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Warhammer 40,000 New Tau Empire 9th Edition Codex Review

Up for preorder right now is the latest Warhammer 40K Codex, T’au Empire! You can save some pennies and help support Sprues and Brews by preordering through one of our Element Games links!

The T’au, probably the most meme worthy Warhammer army ever, are getting the 9th Edition Codex treatment, and oh boy, is it tasty!

Fancy watching us go through the book? Well you can do so below!

Now then, it’s time to delve into the contents of the book.

You can check out our brand new Crusade series here too, which will start with the Tau!

Our thanks to Games Workshop for sending us a copy to review!


The T’au haven’t been deemed very competitive on the tabletop since Indomitus and the launch of the new edition of the game.

Unlike say, the Adeptus Mechanicus, the T’au rely on shooting to win, as they have no psykers and no combat troops.

To that end, the T’au have been buffed in the shooting phase. And I do mean BUFFED!

I’m by no means a super competitive gamer, so I’m not going to say if this army is going to be conquering all at tournaments, but I will be reviewing the key changes to the rules and datasheets in this review and giving my general thoughts at the end.


I never like to divulge much about the lore in these books, as they are well worth a read, in particular if your new to the army.

As with all Codexes, especially recently, this book does a great job introducing newcomers to the T’au. It goes into detail how the race operates, from diplomacy to war, explaining the Caste systems that are assigned to different aspects of the T’au. It also introduces you to the key units and special characters, and further develops the Kroot, although unless I’ve missed them the Vespid rarely get a mention.

The past T’au exploits are discussed, including the first interactions with the Imperium, and whilst War Zone Chalnath does get a mention, as well as a brief teaser at the outcome of Fourth Sphere Expansion, it doesn’t really delve too much further into the 9th Edition story line than that. With all of the 9th Edition books thus far though this seems to be the norm, allowing for the various supplements to drive the Indomitus story on through 9th.


Now on to the bit you’re all really here for, the rules.

Let’s not mess about, as there are some major changes to how we are all used to playing with the T’au.

For the Greater Good: Status: Gone

Straight in there. The army-wide Overwatch mechanic is no more. The only available option now is to purchase an upgrade for your suits and tanks which allows you to overwatch on 5+s, and reduces the cost of the Overwatch strat to 0CP, but as per the normal rules for strats it can only be used once per phase.

Saviour Protocols: Status: (For the most part) Gone

The rule itself has gone, however you can now again purchase drones as part of units, giving you drones to allocated sounds too. You no longer however can deflect wounds onto other drones. A new strat has been added to allow you to do this however, you just have to again remember this can only be done once per phase.

Also, drone abilities have changed a fair bit, which we’ll discuss later.

Markerlights: Status: Completely Revamped

The Markerlights, here lies my favourite change to the army.

Previously you gave up shooting your ‘normal’ weapon in order to fire a marker light. This rule had a table which meant the more marker lights on the target, the more benefits you received. The sweet number was 5, as that gave your army +1 BS if shooting said lit up unit. This mechanic, in my opinion, never worked well. For starters it meant you never, ever fired your Cadre Fireblade’s Pulse Rifle because you’d almost certainly be firing a marker light instead.

So how has this rule changed?

Instead of being a weapon that requires to be shot in the traditional manner, it’s now a Action, and plays off the Markerlight keyword.

At the start of your movement phase you allocate your marker light shots. For example, you have three marker drones. You decide to shine two on one enemy unit, and the third on a second. The action is completed at the start of your shooting phase. Drones and Vehicles can move and fire Markerlights, normal Infantry cannot though. Pathfinders and Darkstrider are sort of exceptions, as they can fire Markerlights at the end of the movement phase rather than the start.

The shooting phase begins by rolling a D6 for each number of dice allocated to the enemy unit. Using the example given above you would roll 2 x D6 for the unit the two marker lights lit up, and 1 for the other unit. On a 3+, the light worked. For this continued example we’ll say the 3rd marker light failed, but the two on one unit worked.

Now it’s time to start shooting properly.

I have a unit of Crisis Suits that decide to shoot the unit I’ve fired two lots of marker lights on. I was to give said suits +1 to hit, so I now have to expend one of two successful marker lights on the enemy unit, leaving one left. This leaves one left on the enemy unit, for one other T’au unit to use to gain +1 BS.

Whilst you may not have a table of benefits like before, the most important one, the +1 is alive and kicking and is much easier to get off. Yes your limited to uses, but at least those Pulse Carbines on your Pathfinders can finally fire at something!

Speaking of which, Pathfinders and Darkstrider can choose to fire their Markerlights at the end of the movement phase, allowing you to move first. Also, sadly Auxiliary keyworded units cannot use the benefits of Markerlights.

Mont’ka and Kauyon: Status: Revamped

Previously once per battle abilities, these have been completely reworked. Before the battle you declare which strategy of attack your going for. Mont’ka benefits those wanting to get attacks in early and be aggressive, rewarding you with extra AP for the first three turns.

Kauyon on the other hand, second rewards the patient, giving you exploding 6s to hit from turn 3 onwards.

Guns, lots of Guns: Status: Buffed

I really like this mechanic. It’s sort of like Marine doctrines, but not. The way your army plays will likely fall into one of these two category’s. It’s also something to think about at list building. A secondary, which we’ll cover later, adjusts depending on your choice too. Worth nothing any Auxiliary keyworded units in your army don’t get the benefits of this.

It’s hard to find a weapon that hasn’t been buffed in this book. Additionally, suits have extra hardpoints, but we’ll cover that in the datasheet bit later.

And whilst we are on the subject of major rules and other bits that are important.

Farsight Enclaves: Status: (Basically…) MIA

Commander Farsight and the general rules for the Enclaves aside, that’s it for the rogue sub faction. No updated datasheets for The Eight and no exclusive relics/warlord traits. Rumour has it at some point we’ll get a Farsight Enclaves supplement (highly likely) alongside a plastic Commander Farsight (not out of the realms of possibility).

Important to note that this book prevents an Ethereal joining a Farsight army. Always good to see the lore represented on the tabletop. Previously this wouldn’t be much of an issue, but the Ethereal mean business in this book, so suddenly it’s a harder choice.


Simply put, Battlesuits can shoot in combat, but must target the units in Engagement range, and any heavy weapons are -1 to hit. Like Vehicles, you can declare shots on units not within Engagement Range, but the weapon will only go off if you’ve managed to kill everything your in combat with; with other shooting.

Manta Strike

Any units with this keyword get to Deep Strike. Normal rules apply, outside of 9” of enemies, etc, etc.

Ambushing Predators

Any datasheet with this rule (Kroot, basically) can make a normal move up to 7”, at the start of the first battle round, but cannot end up closer than 9” to enemy models.

Inspired to Greatness

Why this isn’t on the Ethereal’s datasheet, I don’t know… In your Command Phase pick a Infantry Core unit. That unit can fall back and shoot.

Already your seeing that a lot of the book has changed. Time to check out the different Septs (sub factions) presented in this book.

T’au: The original Sept, and former poster boys of the T’au. Previously they were the lords of the Overwatch, but no more. Instead they have a tenet broken down into 3 parts

  • When you shoot and fight, each unit gets one free re-roll to hit and wound.
  • 3” extended auras (to a max of 12”
  • Each time a unit intones an ability from this sept you can add 3” to the range

Strength of Conviction is the Warlord Trait you can choose from instead of one from the list of Warlord Traits. Basically gives you a 5+ FNP.

You can an exclusive relic, which we’ve seen on WarCom.

Finally a 2CP strat called Focused Fire. Should you manage to wound a unit you can use this strat to give any other units that fire on the wounded unit +1 wound.

All and all, a very balanced Sept IMHO. Also got to remember that all the T’au special characters are technically locked too (however Shadowsun can be used in every Sept, just without her getting the benefits of the chosen Sept).

Vior’la: The new poster boys of the faction, these guys love aggressive tactics.

They have a tenet split into two as well:

  • Extra 2” movement on any units you have within your own deployment zone for the first turn only.
  • You also get re-roll Advance and Charge rolls.

Your Warlord can choose a Trait which allows some CP regen. Every time you use a Strategic Ploy or Wargear strat you roll a D6 and on a 3+ you can the CP refunded.

Automatic Armour Defences is an exclusive relic for Vior’la. Commander model only, you can deal Mortal wounds to the closest enemy models. You roll one D6 and said unit suffers 1 MW on a 2-4, but on a 5-6 D3 mortal wounds.

Finally they have a cool strat which, for 2CP, you select one of your units in the shooting phase, and any unmodified wound rolls of 6 inflict 1 MW in addition to normal damage (to a max of 6).

These guys will want to use the Mont’ka philosophy. It’s an OK tenet.

Sa’cea: In keeping with the tenets so far, you get three special rules:

  • If an enemy unit targets one of your Vehicles and is more than 18” away, then your Vehicle gets Dense Cover rules (ala -1 to Hit).
  • Same rules as above, but targeting one of your Infantry units and more than 12”s away.
  • Vehicle and Battlesuit models don’t suffer the penalties for firing Heavy weapons after moving.

Strategic Conquerer is the Warlord Trait you can take, which dishes out the Objective Secured rule to a unit within 9” of the Warlord. If said unit already has it, you count as one additional model.

The relic for Sa’cea is a Grav-Inhibitor Field which stops enemy units within Engagement Range from fighting until all other eligible units have fought. It also gives out a -1 to hit the bearer in combat.

Dal’yth: This is a pretty interesting tenet:

  • All Infantry units in your army have Light Cover against shooting attacks, so long as the enemy isn’t shooting within Engagement Range. That’s an extra pip on your save.
  • When you pick a Tactical Philosophy (Mont’ka or Kauyon) any T’au Auxiliary units (Kroot or Vespids) also gain that ability.

The Warlord trait for the Dal’yth is also split into 2 parts.

  • Diplomatic Command Structure: Your units gain +1 Leadership within 6” of your Warlord.
  • Integrated Command Structure: Auxiliary units can also use Markerlights.

Dynamic Mirror Fields is an ace relic, which prevents your bearer from being targeted unless it’s the closest eligible target or it’s within 12”’of the attacker. Also comes with a 5+ invulnerable save. Handy to slap on a Cadre Fireblade.

Outflank is the name of the exclusive strat, which enables a Core or Auxiliary unit within 9”’of the battlefield edge to enter Strategic Reserves at the end of your movement phase.

A faction built for those that want to run plenty of Kroot and/or Vespids.

Bork’an: Oh BOY. This is going to be a popular Sept.

So first, the tenet:

  • 4” extra range on ranged units with this tenet. Simples.
  • If one of your Vehicle or Battlesuit units gets hit by a strength 7 or less weapon at range, you subtract 1 from the strength of said attack. Very good ability.

You can pick a very good Warlord Trait, called Seeker of Perfection which gives your Warlord an extra pip of AP on ranged weapons AND any unmodified 6s to wound do a mortal wound in addition to normal damage (does cap at 3 MW tho). Cool trait!

Overdrive Power Systems is a relic that can only be given to a Commander. You can choose two ranged weapons and so long as your target is within half range, you add +1 to the wound roll!

Not a bad Sept so far. Some good offensive and defensive abilities. But then you have the exclusive strat, Experimental Weaponry.

It costs 2CP, but it takes away your opponents Invulnerable save! Cool with any of weapon systems, but what about the Pulse Cannon on the Stormsurge! We haven’t got that far yet, but I’m sure you’ve all seen the flat damage 12 gun it has. Imagine just ignoring an invulnerable save with a gun that inflicts FLAT 12 DAMAGE!

Farsight Enclaves: Finally, Commander Farsights own Sept. As mentioned earlier, Farsight has a datasheet in this book, but none of his Eight have.

It’s an exciting and unique Sept that deserves to be fleshed out, so I do hope we see a supplement for these. We also need a plastic Farsight!

  • Any time a model within half range in your army shoots, the enemy unit is treated as having a Markerlight token on them.
  • Whenever you shoot or fight, everyone of your units gets one free wound reroll.

Master of the Killing Blow makes your unmodified wound rolls of 6 to AP to -3, and also it also ignores any feel no pain saves as well! Not to be sniffed at!

The Farsight Sept is the only Sept where I can find any Psychic defense, which is definitely going to be something Tau players need to consider. It comes in the shape of the Talisman of Arthas Moloch, a relic which allows the bearer to attempt to deny one psychic power with a +1 to said deny. I mean, it’s something right?

Build Your Own Sept: As we see with a lot of armies now, the next part of the book allows you to build your own Sept. These normally consist of here is column A and B, pick one from each, or similar. Not so with the T’au. Instead we have a map of different sectors. Within each sector is a number of tenets. You can choose one per sector, to a max of two, however…you can only include tenets that connect on this map. So for example if you were to pick a tenet from Sector B, you could only pick a second one from A or C. If you pick your first one in A, you can free reign.

There are a few interesting ones within the customer septs, a number of which help you count as more models on objectives, give you a free reroll or an extra 2″ of movement on your Battlesuits. Nothing ground breaking, and if I’m honest, nothing as solid or balanced as the premade septs. If you are keen on making your own however, the rules are here to do that.

Summary of the Septs: For me, and I imagine a lot of people, Bork’an is the standout Sept. A super powerful strat combined with combined with a solid relic and potentially helpful Warlord Trait provides a Sept everyone will want to run. In my oppinion, my next go to ones would be T’au (which I also feel is the more new player friendly Sept) or the Farsight Enclaves, but this all depends on your taste of how you’d want the army to work.


For the first time I’ve open a 9th edition Codex, run through the strats and thought “yeah, I’ll probably use the majority of these!”.

Some strong strats in here, as well as the normal extra trait and relic to another character ones.

I’ve pulled a couple out as examples:

  • Relentless Fusillade: For 1 CP all pulse rifles in the unit can fire twice, ignoring the normal rules for Rapid Fire. Combined with the additional range, this is brilliant. Also, so long as that unit is Core, you increase the AP by 1, making the pulse rifle -2 AP. Brutal.
  • Drop Threat Acquisition: Formally a Farsight only strat, it now allows any Battlesuits entering the battlefield via Manta Strike or Homing Beacon to re-roll the hit rolls on the turn they come down. 2CP, going up to 3CP if the unit contains 4 or more suits. Combine this with a markerlight, and your hitting most of the time.
  • Pulse Onslaught: 1CP gives you an auto wound on a unmodified 6 to hit. Only effects Core Fire Warrior teams. Use this with Relentless Fusillade for lots of shots with decent AP.
  • Point-Blank Volley: Fire Warriors stuck in combat? Pop this 1CP strat in your shooting phase and suddenly yours pulse weapons are Pistol 2, allowing you to shoot. I mean…you have to survive the combat, but if you do..pew pew!!
  • Saviour Protocols: Mentioned earlier, this is now a strat. If you fail a save you can use this strat to pass off the damage to a Drone within 3″, or 6″ if your unit includes a drone controller. This means you can only do this once per phase, as per a normal strat, but don’t forget you can now buy drones for the majority of your units for extra damage mitigation without taking out another drone.
  • Designated Tasking: You may be thinking, after reading the above, that you may not have many Drones just flying about your army if they are all part of units. Well, for 1CP you can detach your drones from said unit, so they can act as a independent drone unit. This also works on the Devilfish, allowing you to detach the gun drones to form there own little unit of two.
  • Recon Sweep: For 1 CP you can add 1 to the Markerlight roll, to see if it works. This strat also allows said unit to move without the Markerlight action failing.

Prototype Systems & Relics

I’m this book you get a couple of pages of prototype weapons and a couple of pages of relics.

It’s important to say at this point that Prototype weapons are NOT relics. These are upgrades you pay points for. For those that require say, a fusion blaster, you’d need to pay points for that too. This means you could have a Commander in a Battlesuit with both a Prototype weapon AND a relic. Lots of great choices here:

  • Novasurge Plasma Rifle: Replaces a Plasma Rifle with a Strength 8, -5 AP, 3 damage weapon that ignores invulnerable saves. Assault 1, as per the new Plasma Rifle statline, but still very good!
  • Resonator Warheads: Replaces a Missile Pod, giving it an extra shot (Assualt 3) strength 8, AP -2 flat 2 damage rockets that, so long as one hits, and the unit you’ve hit has the Infantry, Beast or Cavalry keyword, halves their Move characteristic until your next shooting phase. A fantastic relic.
  • Thermoneutronic Projector: An absolute monster of a flamer, which has a shooting AND melee profile. For shooting it does Assault D6+2 shots at 12″ range, at strength 4, AP -2 and 2 damage! (Doesn’t say it auto hits however, potential FAQ or done on purpose?). The melee profile has the same statline, but is D6 + 2 attacks in addition to your normal attacks.

Relics are as per normal. One per character. First one is free but you have a strat to dish out more. Let’s have a look at some of the relics:

  • Ka’chak’tarr: Ever wanted a Kroot Shaper with a Sniper Rifle? Here you go! 24″ range, but Rapid Fire 2, strength 5, -2 AP and flat damage 2. Ignores Look Out, Sir rule and dishes out a mortal wound in addition on an unmodified 6 to wound.
  • Onager Gauntlet: It’s back! Now strength 12, -4 AP and flat damage 3.
  • The Be-gel Hunters Plate: Grants +1 to armour save and a 5+ FNP. Could be handy on a Fireblade.
  • The Humble Stave: It maybe called Humble, but this is my favourite relic in the book so far. Allows your Ethereal to intone an extra invocation and gives +1 to intone his invocations too. A must take I think if you have an Ethereal in your list.

Warlord Traits

For the first time we have a selection of Warlord traits for the Kroot! Kroot Crusade army anyone?

  • Precision of the Hunter (T’au): Everytime your Warlord attacks, you can re-roll the hit roll AND wound rolls. SImple. Effective. Killy. Must-take on a Commander Battlesuit armed to the teeth.
  • Through Unity, Devastation (T’au): It’s back, baby, and is super similar to before. 6″ Aura from the bearer, providing an extra -1 AP to Core units that roll an unmodified 6 to wound. Coupled with a couple of the preforementioned strats creates potentially AP -3 Pulse Rifles. Now that is a fire base.
  • Pack Leader (Kroot): Whilst a unit is within 6″ of the Warlord, you can roll an additional D6 on a charge roll, discarding your choice of the three dice rolls.
  • Nomadic Hunter (Kroot): Whilst a Kroot unit is within 6″ of this Warlord, each time a model from said unit attacks with a ranged weapon, it counts as Remaining Stationary during it’s previous Movement phase.


T’au don’t get psykers or priests, but they do have Ethereals, a HQ choice often overlooked.

There is a strong list of decent Invocations (read prayers) here. Your standard Ethereal knows two, can action one, where as Aun’va and Aun’Shi know three and can perform two. There are relics/traits to allow you to intone more than one.

Check some of these out:

  • Sense of Stone: A returning ability, which grants a 5+ FNP to Core units within 6″ of the Ethereal (note not wholly within)
  • Wisdom of the Guides: Gain a Command Point. Ridiculously straight forward, yet an auto take in my book based on the strats on offer.
  • Storm of Fire: Core units within 6″ can perform an action and shoot without it failing. Handy.

Chapter Approved Rules

Again, a staple of new 9th Edition Codexes is the inclusion of army-specific secondary objectives. As per the new Chapter Approved, you can select one of these as one of the three available to your army.

The Shadow Operations choice is called Aerospace Targeting Relays, and requires you to leave a marker half way along each of the 4 battlefield edges. This opens up a action called Install Targeting Relay, which in short allows you to set up a relay. The more you set up during the game, the more points you get at the end. You start the action at the end of the movement phase, so long as you are within 6″. The marker cannot be removed once done. Points range from 2 if you only manage to install one, to the full 15 if you manage to do it on all 4 table edges.

The Battlefield Supremacy one is also interesting, and is called Decisive Action. Depending on the Philosophy you picked at the start of the battle (Mont’ka or Kauyon) you score 4 victory points if you control half or more of the objectives in turns that your philosophy ‘works’. What this means is, for example, if you went for Mont’ka, you would score 4 victory points if you have half or more of the objectives available during turns 1, 2 and 3 only.


In addition to this review, I’m also writing a Crusade article which will be available over the weekend this review goes live, which over time will be charting a T’au army from Combat Patrol up to fully fledged army, using the Crusade rules from this book and the main rulebook.

In the first article (which will be linked here when live) I’ll be going through the Crusade rules.

In short however, they look really fun, with the main mechanic having you taking over planets by force or diplomacy, adding some narrative flavour to your Crusade.

We are massive fans of Crusade here, so I’m really looking forward to taking you all on this Crusade!

Datasheets & Weapons

Now we move on to the datasheets and weapon profiles. Right back at the start of the review I mentioned the weapons have been buffed, and it’s time to highlight exactly what I mean:

  • Burst Cannon: 2 exta shots
  • Destroyer Missile: No longer needs Markerlights. Is S12, -5 AP and does 2D3 damage.
  • Fusion Blaster: Same as before, but now deals D6 + 2 damage within half range
  • Heavy Rail-Rifle: Extra pip of Strength, now does D3+3 damage AND a mortal wound in addition successful wound.
  • Missile Pod: AP -2 instead of -1, does flat 2 damage instead of D3.
  • Plasma Rifle: Now Assualt 1, however now up to Strength 8, AP-4 and flat 3 damage
  • Smart Missile System: Now has -1 AP.

This is but a sample of the armoury. WarCom have previously pointed out the improvements to the common pulse rifle and carbine, which can be deadly with the right strats. We have also seen the might of the Stormsurge’s Pulse Cannon and of course the Hammerhead’s Rail Rifle.

There have been a number of changes to the datasheets within this book, but for the most part Battlesuits have an extra hardwired point for a support or weapon system, speaking of which support systems have all changed (some for the better, some for the worst). Important to note that when duplicating weapons on Battlesuits, the points costs increase the more you equip the same weapon. This doesn’t stop you from taking the 4 x Fusion Blaster Coldstar, but does make it very expensive. This is to encourage you to add different weapon options to your Battlesuits, making them more equipped for every situation (or better split firing).

The Commander Battlesuits have been tweaked. You can now choose between the three variants as follows:

  • Standard Crisis Suit: Cheapest option, allows you to select one Core Crisis Suit unit within 9″ and allows them to fall back and shoot AND charge. Also allows selected unit to ignore any to hit modifiers.
  • Enforcer: 2+ base save. Allows you to select a Core Crisis Unit, who then gain the Objective Secure rule.
  • Coldstar: Slower now, with a standard move of 14″ and no special advance moves, but does have a once per battle ‘teleport’ allowing him to re-position or re-enter strategic reserves. Allows you to pick a Core Crisis Unit and grants them a 8″ Advance with no roll needed.

Fire Warriors of all flavours and Pathfinders haven’t really changed, but they do now have to be in units of 10. Sorry folks. This will cause disruption with list building, as many people like to run units of 5 to avoid the Blast rule effecting them, more units for actions, and so on. Still, in the right list you can get a number of these units in, and with the right strats, they can be superb. The changes to how Markerlights work really helps the Pathfinders, who will now be a staple in everyone’s list I believe.

Let us spare a moment for those races that cannot access the Hammerhead, the main tank of the army, and wielder of a Railgun which punches through invulnerable saves.

This thing also gets a free to hit re-roll thanks to the built in sensors.

This tank is bonkers when helped with a Markerlight, and if you are playing as the T’au Sept you’d be silly to not take Longstrike, a special character Hammerhead with a base BS of 3+. He also adds +1 to wound against Monsters and other vehicles AND dishes out a free Markerlight to a nearby Core unit. Amazing mini, just make sure you use terrain to your advantage, as the tank has no inv save, just it’s basic 3+ armour, with 14 wounds.

If you want to check out a particular datasheet please feel free to watch the accompanying video (which can be found at the top of this review) at your leisure to spot any subtle changes, but I did want to spare a moment for the Stormsurge, which now, is a killer unit.

He still has a BS of 4+, however his ability to deploy anchors can be done in the same turn (happens at the start of your movement phase, ends at the start of your shooting phase), and now allows you to re-roll any failed hit rolls. He’s also now got a built-in 4+ invulnerable save, giving you an extra slot to add a support system. His Cluster Rocket System now has AP -1 and Blast, with the Destroyer Missiles now not relying on Markerlights (see above list of example weapon changes, and also to note, he still has 4 of them and they are still once per battle missiles). The Blastcannon we have seen on WarCom, with the crazy flat damage 12 on the Focused shot (coupled with Bork’an’s ignore invulnerable save makes this EVEN better) but even the other variant has been buffed, the Driver cannon is now Heavy 3D3, S10 -4 AP and flat damage 3.


I’m by no means a competitive gamer, but this book screams strong, I’d expect to see T’au shooting up (no pun intended, but I’ll take it) the tournament rankings. It’ll be interesting to see what kind of lists come out of this book. Troop or Suit heavy lists in my opinion are available here, thanks to the weapon changes and Datasheet buffs.

They did need it though, as it’s easy to forget the T’au really miss out on two phases of the game, psychic and combat. The question isn’t however have the Tau been buffed enough, instead, it’s have they been over buffed.

Is a flat 12 damage gun, ignoring inv saves with Bork’an too much? Is the Hammerhead now the best tank in the galaxy? We’ll soon see as the dice begin to roll when T’au players can enjoy this book.

I love the changes to Markerlights, and I’m a fan of the Invocations. A very good selection of usable stratagems combined with powerful Prototype Systems gives you, the gamer, so many different options. I don’t feel like I’m missing For the Greater Good at all, as there is plenty more exciting content within these pages.

I’ve barely even mentioned the Kroot, who have been buffed as well as now being able to be taken as a standalone force. Luckily WarCom has me covered.

This, in my opinion, is a contender for one of the strongest books of the edition so far, so let us all be wary of potential FAQs.

Let us know what your thoughts are over on social media.

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