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Hibou Khan Unboxing and Review – Warhammer The Horus Heresy

Seeking atonement for turning against Jaghatai Khan and pledging for The Warmaster, Hibou Khan has been condemned to fight as one of the Sagyar Mazan – one of the turncoat oathbreakers who are sent on suicide missions to right his wrongs in turning from The Emperor.

Up for pre order today alongside Shadrak Meduson, Tybalt Marr, Horus Aximand and the new command squad, Hibou Khan is an interesting new character choice from the recent Beta Garmon book

In this post we’ll be checking out the new kit, painting him up and talking about what his rules are in game!

Massive thanks to Games Workshop for sending us a free copy to unbox and paint up on the site. If you would like to support the site then why not order your Horus Heresy goodies through our affiliate Element Games and save yourself some money too?

We’ve also filmed a full unboxing of the new kit which you can see just below or over on YouTube

So let’s take a look at the new kit!

As with the other new character kits up for pre order this week, Hibou Khan is Forge World resin and clocks in at a price of £37.50 – If you’re new to resin kits, one of the important things to keep in mind is that you need to make sure you give the kit a good clean in soapy water before you paint it. This is due to the way the kits are made with a release agent used to help pop the model out of the mould – if you leave it on you’ll find that paint doesnt always adhere too well and you could be left with flaking or bubbling, so it’s best to just give it a quick scrub to make sure that doesn’t happen

For experienced builders this kit shouldn’t be an issue, though I did find this to have a few more gates to remove than usual and there are some particularly fiddly bits such as the exhausts on the back pack being two separate parts that you have to align correctly and attach (Which did take me a few attempts to get right!)

Once built he was a joy to paint though, I went for a quick and grimy scheme as I can’t imagine his armour being in the greatest condition when is knee deep in traitors during a suicide mission! One thing to consider with him is to leave him off the base so that you can get under his cloak before you stick him down.

I opted for the helmeted head, but he does also come with an alternate head option with him helmet-less – giving you good opportunity to try your hand at his skull face paint.

As a White Scars player I loved the chance to paint him up, and hope we get another kit soon in the form of The Khan on his jetbike!

Hibou Khan is up for pre order today and is released Saturday 29th June

Games Workshop provided Sprues & Brews with a free copy for review purposes

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