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Warhammer 40,000 Pariah Nexis Objective Set – Chapter Approved 2024

Objective disks for marking out the zones of control for objectives are nothing new, and Games Workshop themselves have offered them as event only items, but with the Pariah Nexis Objective Set, up for pre order today, this is the first time they have been easily available in Warhammer stores!

In this post we’ll be taking a look at the disks, how much they cost and seeing if they are worth picking up.

Massive thanks to Games Workshop for sending us over free review copies to check out, if you would like to support the site then why not use our affiliate Element Games and save yourself some money too?

We have also filmed a full video review of the Objective Set which you can see below or over on YouTube

So let’s take a look at what these are!

Objective disks are nothing new in the world of tabletop gaming, but official Games Workshop ones that are available for anyone to order are – essentially these are disks that are placed down on the battlefield to show the zones of control for objectives

The set contains 6 of these allowing you to run all current missions and measure 3″ from the marked objective to the edge of the disk.

Essentially this means that if a model is standing on the disk then it is within range of the objective. If you just use a coin or a marker it can sometimes be difficult to eyeball if models are on an objective, and can lead to some difference in opinion during events if it is very close to call. By making it so that as long as your model is touching this disk, it is clear for both players who currently holds each objective.

The disks are decorated with some suitably 40k graphics, that make it look like some kind of targeting overlay on the battlefield – I tend to shy away from these kind of disks when they are covered in logos, as I feel that takes away from the aesthetics of the battlefield, and personally I’d rather them depict something that visually looks like something we would be fighting over. That said, the graphics here fit from a universe point of view and are not too out of place on the battlefield.

I originally assumed these were neoprene, however it seems that they have a plasticy top coating and a non slip surface underneath. In games so far they seem resistant to scratches and bending, but will need to report back after some more extended gaming sessions!

The big question is are they worth the money? With a cost of £20 a set I don’t think these are bad value at all, especially compared to some of the faction specific ones that were sold at events for as much as £40 for 6!

I really hope that Age of Sigmar gets something similar with the release of 4th edition, and I look forward to seeing how the pool of Games Workshop gaming tools expands over the coming years!

The Objective Set is up for pre order today and is released Saturday 22nd June

Games Workshop provided Sprues and Brews with free copies for review purposes.

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