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Podcast: Episode 232 | Mortal Realms Reforged + Skaventide

It’s a big week for the Age of Sigmar on this week’s podcast!

Dave & Matt are here for Episode 232 of the Sprues & Brews Podcast to chat about the reveal of Skaventide, the brand new launch box for Age of Sigmar 4.0. We chat about it’s contents, including the Skaven and Stormcast minis, terrain, boards, core rule book and of course the Spearhead rules. 

We also discuss the Mortal Realms Reforged event that took place last Saturday over at Warhammer World;. We managed to get hands on with both the new 4th edition of the game and Spearhead, and speak at length during this episode about our thoughts on the changes and how the game plays. 

That’s not all however, as GW also had another Warhammer Preview, which we chat about at length. These reveals included 2 new minis across the next 2 40k Codexes, the Genestealer Cults and the Adepta Sororitas, and of course the grand unveiling of the new plastic Mechanicum.

Finally, we round off the podcast with our Top 3 reveals across the last week.

Sprues & Brews Music Created by Dave Sheard

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