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Stormbringer Issues 47 to 50 | Hachette Partworks Age of Sigmar Magazine Series

It’s time for another batch of Hachette Partwork’s Stormbringer series!

This time we’ll be checking out issues 47 through to 50.

What is Stormbringer?

Stormbringer is a magazine series from Hachette Partworks and features content and models from Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Each issue is priced at £9.99.

If you’d like to check out what you get through the entire series of magazines in one article, as well as the original cost breakdown (bearing in mind the price recently went from £8.99 to £9.99) then make sure you check out Matt’s article right here.

Want to check out previous issue contents? Hit this link right here!

Without further ado, let’s get stuck into these issues!

Issue 47

Includes: Nexus Syphon Scenery
Value: This scenery piece is not available to purchase on it’s own, and can only be found in the Starter Sets. I’m going to price it at £25, but this could be valued higher. Still, even at £25 you are saving £15.01.

Magazine Contents:

First and foremost, the scenery piece included with this issue is awesome. It’s a really imposing bit of terrain that would look great on your battlefield.

The magazine itself opens up with a bit of lore and background on the Disciples of Tzeentch, a Chaos faction we haven’t learnt that much about in the series so far. 

If you haven’t checked out any of these magazines before, or have read any of these posts, then I’ll let you know now that their is plenty of narrative flavour within these pages, which is what this issue moves on to next, some more narrative you can roll on for your battlefields based in the realm of Chamon. 

It then talks about the lore behind the Nexus Syphon and even has some narrative you can choose for your games too. A comprehensive how-to-build is next, as well as a detailed guide to painting your scenery using paints gathered so far in the magazine series. It even goes into using your recent gained paints to go back and add to your Primal Lair and Azyrite Fountain too.

Finally the issue finishes with a brand new battleplan, Font of Magic. 

Issue 48

Includes: 5 x Boingrot Bounderz
Value: £35 from for 10 Bounderz, so a saving of £7.51.

Magazine Contents:

By now we’ve collected a fair number of Sylvaneth models, and in this issue it opens up with some lore behind Alarielle, The Everqueen, the leader of the Sylvaneth and a key player in the magic conflicts within the Mortal Realms. 

We then have part two of Nature’s Gambit, a story that started a couple of issues back. It features Sylvaneth clashing with another Order faction, the Stormcast Eternals.

As with every issue that includes minis we have a few pages dedicated to creating a back story and some narrative for your new unit, which in this case is the included Boingrot Bounderz. It even includes some mini achievements for your grots on squigs to try and complete during your games.

As detailed as ever are the included assembly instructions and paint guide. Swiftly following these two sections is the full warscroll for your new unit, and a more detailed guide on what the two major abilities on the warscroll do (Boing! Smash & Lances of the Bounderz).

To finish off we have battleplan 8 of the battepack started 7 issues ago, entitled Ride ‘em Down!

Issue 49

Includes: 5 x Spite-Revenants
Value: Over on they retail at £32.50, so buying this issue saves you £22.51.

Magazine Contents:

Before we get stuck into the magazine itself, this issue also includes a handy separate section which covers some Core Tactics. It talks about the different types of Deployment, introduces core concepts such as Screening and Denying Ground, as well as capturing Objectives. Very handy!

The issue itself delves into the Realm of Death as you open the cover page, giving you more of an idea of this realm is about and talks about some key moments from the realm’s past. 

Just as with the Boingrots we have some great additional narrative fun to your games, whether they be a single game or part of a larger campaign. You can roll or choose your Home Glade, as well as picking out some traits,

Again, just like with the Boingrots we have fully detailed Assembly and painting pages, as well as the full warscroll so you can use your new Spite-Revenants in your games of Warhasmmer Age of Sigmar

Issue 50

Includes: Agrellan Earth (Technical Paint), Dawnstone (Layer Paint) and Texture Spreader.
Value: The technical/texture paint retails at £4.75, Dawnstone £2.75 and the Spreader £6.20, giving you a slight saving of £3.71, however I think the basing guide in this issue adds to the value more so than some other issues.

Magazine Contents:

This issue opens up with a bit more background on the realm the magazine has been concentrating on recently, Chamon. 

The best bit of this issue is the next few sections which talks about something we haven’t had come up yet in the series, bases. The next segment focuses on adding detail, such as helmets, weapons and shields to your models bases. Even for someone who has been in the hobby for as long as I have, I actually found this section really useful and will be adding bits and bobs to my own bases following it.

It then goes on to explain how to use the texture paint included with this issue, before advising on drybrushing and washing, before finishing off with the rims.

Finally for basing the magazine then gives you guidance on completing the bases on the stuff you have with pre-sculpted bases, which is really handy. 

To finish off the issue it’s time for battle plan 10, Fury of the Forest. 

As we get deeper into the series I continue to be impressed with the detail the magazines go too, and I really wish I’d kept up with painting my contents as the magazines arrived.

That’s it for this batch of issues, we’ll be back after the next delivery! 


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